Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Occupation of Prostitution

The true story of a prostitute turned serial killer that was portrayed by Charlise Theron is one that I felt was relevant in my discussions in dignity. In this film she continued to sell herself from the age of 13 up until a point where she is raped by one of her clients. The issue I propose is how she and others like her might have viewed dignity. In such a contraversial line of business, does one remove one's morals and self from what they are doing for them not to allow it to influence their opinion of themselves? Do they reach a point where they arte so far gone that their dignity is no longer an issue. I realise that I speak now in a generalised bias about sex workers when I shouldn't be but it is difficult for me to remove societies views from this topic. I do however respect an honest living no matter what the job. It is my opinion that it is unfortunate that this particular job is drenched in stigma's as well as it being illegal in this country. I say this because I find that there are mouch more undignified occupations out there than prostitution, however I would not recommend it in today's society and especially after seeing this movie...

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